Amognoxian Universe Wiki

Ravana Nosloh, over adventuous and in some ways, rather unbefitting of her quiet family.

When only 12, she declared to all around her that she would one day become a student of temple, which by even that early age baffled her family at how unlike her it was, seeing as diciples had always been highly introverted.

Ravana did not fit the part, and she enjoyed for the next few years, allowing all to assume they knew her intentions, even going so far as trying to convince her it was the wrong path.

At 20 years of age, she finally anounced to friends and family that her secret intention had always been to become a Sillem. Reactions were anticlimactic, to say the least. Despite this, she was unphased and decided exactly where she would first settle her personal possesions; Bhon Greyvleix.

